2100 Calorie Meal Plan l An Effective Guide

Are you looking to break the boredom of your healthy eating routine? Look no further! Let’s explore our exciting 2100 calorie meal plan designed to inject delicious flavors into your diet while delivering tough grams of protein.

This article includes three delightful recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, accompanied by six snack options. Each recipe has a detailed breakdown of ingredients, simple instructions, and servings, ensuring a mouthwatering experience. Explore the world of varieties and nutritious meals while meeting your fitness goals with this 2100-calorie meal plan.

NOTE: If you are looking for an online healthcare provider or a dietitian, Better Help is a perfect match for you.

What You Will Find in 2100 Calorie Meal Plan

The 2100-calorie meal plan requires a balance of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) and an array of nutrient-rich foods. Remember that each individual’s nutritional needs may differ, so consult a healthcare provider or dietitian. Here’s a sample 2100-calorie meal plan:

Breakfast (Approximately 500 calories):

  • Two eggs scrambled with spinach and tomatoes (cooked in olive oil)
  • Whole grain toast (2 slices)
  • One medium-sized apple

Mid-Morning Snack (Approximately 200 calories):

  • Greek yogurt (1 cup) with berries.
  • Handful of almonds or walnuts

Lunch (Approximately 500 calories):

  • Chicken breast (4 oz), quinoa, and mixed vegetables of broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots that were grilled.
  • Salad of greens with olive oil and balsamic vinegar vinaigrette
  • One medium-sized orange

Afternoon Snack (Approximately 200 calories):

  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese and pineapple chunks
  • 2 tbsp hummus with carrot and cucumber sticks

Dinner (Approximately 600 calories):

  • Baked salmon cooked with sweet potato (1 medium) and steamed asparagus
  • Half a cup of quinoa or brown rice
  • A mixed green salad loaded with vegetables and vinaigrette dressing.
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli

Evening Snack (Approximately 100 calories):

  • A small banana
    Herbal tea or water

Remember that portion sizes should be modified according to your requirements, lifestyle, and goals. Secondly, ensure that you drink enough water throughout the day. This is just a general rule, and following hunger pangs when exercising is very important. In case you are allergic to any foods or have health problems, it is recommended to consult your doctor for specific recommendations.

Tips For Creating a 2100 Calorie Meal Plan

    • Focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Fresh is the best to make your meal healthy and nutritious, which includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processing and frozen foods, as well as additives added to them, as they may result in obesity and fatty liver disease.
    • Include healthy fats in each meal: Healthy fats are found in avocadoes, nuts and seeds, olive and coconut oil, fatty fish, dark chocolate, nut butter, cheese, and eggs. It helps you to absorb and make you feel full.
    • Make quick enough protein, famously known for building and repairing muscle tissue. Aim for 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Ensure you have protein-rich foods in your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plant-based protein sources include quinoa, edamame, lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and tofu.
    • Make sure to eat all meals. In the long run, if you skip meals, then it can lead to overeating. You should eat three meals and two or three snacks daily. Choose protein-rich snacks to keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, and cheese are excellent options.
    • Drink plenty of water. It is essential to drink water every day for good health and to feel complete. Try to drink eight glasses per day. To avoid overeating, drink a glass of water before starting your meal so that your stomach fills half.

Here Are Some Sample Meal Ideas for 2100 Calorie Meal Plan:

Breakfast Options:

Protein-Packed Smoothie:

Ingredients: Protein powder, Greek yogurt, mixed berries, almond milk, chia seeds.

Instructions: Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Scrambled Eggs with Avocado Toast:

Ingredients: Whole-grain bread, eggs, avocado, and cherry tomatoes.

Instructions: Whip scrambled eggs and have them smeared over toasted whole-grain bread accompanied by sliced avocado and tomatoes.

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl:

Ingredients: Quinoa, almond milk, sliced banana, chopped nuts, and honey.

Instructions: As Cook describes, quinoa should be boiled in almond milk and garnished with slices of banana, nuts, and honey dropped on top.

2100 Calorie Meal Plan
Eggs and Toast Breakfast

Lunch Options

Grilled Chicken Salad:

Ingredients: Grilled chicken breast, lettuce mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, feta cheese, balsamic vinaigrette.

Instructions: Place all the ingredients in a bowl and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette.

Salmon and Quinoa Bowl:

Ingredients: Baked or grilled salmon, quinoa, steamed broccoli with a lemon wedge accompaniment.

Instructions: Form a bowl with quinoa containing salmon and steamed broccoli and cover it in lemon juice.

Turkey and Veggie Wrap:

Ingredients: Whole-grain wrap, turkey slices, hummus, spinach, and bell peppers.

Instructions: Place hummus on the wrap, layer it with turkey meat, spinach leaves, and bell peppers, and finally, finish by wrapping these ingredients.


2100 calorie meal plan

Grill chicken salad

Dinner Options

Lean Beef Stir-Fry:

Ingredients: Lean beef strips, stir fry vegetables (broccoli; bell pepper, and snap peas); brown rice.

Instructions: Sauté beef and vegetables on brown rice.

Vegetarian Chickpea Curry:

Ingredients: Chickpeas, tomatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, curry, spices, quinoa.

Instructions: Curry chickpeas and veggies, quinoa side.

Grilled Tofu and Vegetable Skewers:

Ingredients: Tofu cubes, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, red onion, zucchini.

Instructions: Skewer thread tofu and veggies, grill until they are cooked, then serve.

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